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Are you are a landlord having problems with a tenant? Don’t go it alone in this area fraught with legal pitfalls. I have assisted many landlords with tenant disputes from negotiating “Cash for Keys” Agreements through a Sheriff’s eviction and moving and storing recalcitrant tenants’ belongings.

Starting with the 14-Day or 30-Day Notice to Quit, form and timing are crucial to avoid the additional cost and delay of having to start over. Even experienced landlords can find themselves afoul of notice requirements, court deadlines, security deposit, lead paint and retaliation laws and regulations. 

If you are a mobile home park owner the rules for eviction from a Manufactured Housing Community are even more demanding. 

Summary Process (SU) eviction is designed to be streamlined but it is very easy to miss a deadline and there again you may have to start over which is costly and wastes time.  Every day that goes by can cost lost rent and possible damage to your rental unit.

Whether District or Housing Court, let us guide you through the eviction process so that you can get the bad tenants out and get your rental back on the market.

Landlord Tenant Services:

  • Cash for Keys Agreements.
  • Summary Process (SU) Eviction. 



  • MA Housing Court -  website
  • Manufactured Housing -  website
  • The Attorney General's Guide to Landlord and Tenant Rights -  website


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