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Family Law

Are you or a family member considering adoption?  Adoption confers certain important legal rights on a child.  In addition to the legal benefits, adoption confers a sense of "family" on the parent(s) and child.  As the mother of an adopted child, I can tell you that nothing compares to the joy felt when the Judge finalizes the adoption and declares you the legal parent. 

What happens if a family member is unable to sign documents due to incapacity?  If they did not previously draft a Power of Attorney and/or Health Care Proxy, they are most likely legally disqualified from signing documents and will now require a court appointed conservator and/or guardian. Conservators mainly handle financial affairs while guardians deal with day to day life issues of the incapacitated person. These can be difficult and emotional times for families and we’re here to help you work through guardianship and/or conservatorship court proceedings.

Thinking of changing your name?  If you are divorced, this was most likely incorporated into your divorce.  If not or you are changing your name for reasons other than divorce, you should do it legally because this will result in a court order with your new name.  It is only through this legal process that you will be able to obtain a new social security card which is so important for a variety of reasons.

Are you facing a custody battle?  Maybe this includes child support issues.  These proceedings can get quite heated and engaging the services of an attorney can take the pressure off and make the process much more effective and bearable.  Let's remember that it is about the child.  Having an attorney can keep you focused on the task at hand rather than on the emotional aspect of custody and child support.          

Family Law Services:

  • Adoption
  • Conservatorship
  • Custody
  • Guardianship
  • Name Changes
  • Power of Attorney
  • We will work together to develop a legal strategy to help a loved one or yourself.



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